HIIT 101519

Tuesday, 15Oct19


Group Warm-up: Forty Five :20 Cycles (15 minutes)

Run the Loop…. run faster then yesterday

  • Jumping Jacks
  • Banded Dead Lifts
  • Squat Jumps


Strength: 10 minutes

1-10 reps (descending weight)

  • Back Squats


TIMER:Raiser Shuttle run – transport a stack of raisers from one end of the gym and back as fast as possible (the “Timer”).


  • Rest
  • Wallball
  • V-ups
  • TRX Reclines
  • KB High Pulls

While one group acts as the Timer the others will be performing the movements as a circuit for as long as it takes the group acting as the timer to transport the raisers.


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