HIIT 101920

Saturday, 19Oct19

Group Warm-up: 15 Minutes

Run, Bike, Jump Rope, Bands, Foam Rollers…. whatever you need most



Round 1 – Start with a heavy bell, perform 20 swings, then…

6 Push Ups

20 Swings

7 Push Ups

20 Swings

8 Push Ups

20 Swings

9 Push Ups

20 Swings

10 Push Ups

20 Swings

Rest 1:30 minute

Round 2 – Stay with the heavy bell perform 20 swings, then…

6 DB Hang squat cleans

20 Swings

7  DB Hang squat cleans

20 Swings

8 DB Hang squat cleans

20 Swings

9 DB Hang squat cleans

20 Swings

10 DB Hang squat Cleans

20 Swings

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