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Saturday, 20June20
Warm-up: 12 minutes
- stay active
Workout: 5rds
circuit through these movements for :20’s of work :10’s rest nonstop for two rounds then take a 1 minute rest…. repeat repeat repeat repeat
- KB Power Swing (HEAVY)
- KB Row (altérnate sides each rd)
- Dbl KB March (HEAVY)
- KB Goblet Squat
- Close Grip Push-up
- Hollow-out V-crunch
** Power Swing – Go Heavy!!! perform one swing at a time. hinge-hike-swing-hinge- place KB on ground …repeat
** KB March- Go Heavy!!! Rack two KB’s and March in place
Finisher: 12 minute EMOM
- odd minute – 5 Burpees
- even minute – 20 Jumping Jacks + 10 Air Squats
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