Friday/Saturday July20
Group Warm-up: 15 minutes
- Run the Loop and stretch with remaining time
Workout: : 5rds Circuit Style
:30’s work / :15’s Rest
- Band Overhead Squat
- Kettlebell Power Swings
- KB Craddle Push-Press (R)
- Mtn Climbers
- KB Craddle Push-Press (L)
- Rest 1 minute between each Rd
Finisher: 4rds
- Band Preacher Curls – 12 reps
- Push-ups – 10 reps
- Sit-up w/Clap – 8r/8l reps
- Chin-ups – 6 Reps
- Pull-ups – 4 reps
- Burpees – 2 reps
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