Tuesday, 24Nov20


Group Warm-up: 3rds  (:30’s each )

  • Arm Circles
  • Toe touch to overhead reach
  • Air Squats
  • Push-up to knee tap
  • Hip Bridge (Alt sides each rd)
  • Hollow-out rocks
  • Rest


-40’s at each movement, rest 1 minute

-30’s at each movement, rest 45 seconds

-:20’s at each movement

  • Alt. V-crunch
  • Star Jumps
  • High Knees

Workout: 3rds

Minute 1: 24 Alt. DB Snatches

Minute 2: Max Reps Wallball

Minute 3: 24 Step Over Box

Minute 4: Max Bike Sprint

Minute 5: 24 Alt. Sandbag Rear Lunges

Minute 6: Max BP Burpees

Rest 2 minutes

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