July 31, 2021
Group Warm-up (12 min)
Run the loop then AMRAP in the remaining time…
10 Seal Jacks
10 Evil Jumps
10 Groiners w/ T-Stab (5R + 5L)
10 Band Pull A-parts
:30 sec Pigeon Stretch (R)
:30 sec Pigeon Stretch (L)
Workout Circuit (4 RDs)
Work for 1 minute at each station and move immediately to the next station. There will be 1 minute rest after each round. Add up your total # of reps per round and strive to improve upon that # each round.
KB Swings
Sit-up with OH Reach
- KB Goblet Squats
- Alternating DB/ KB Clean & Press
Bodyweight Finisher Circuit
20 sec work/ 10 sec rest for 4 total rounds
- Heisman
- Split Jumps
- Jumping Jacks
- Mountain Climbers