April 27, 2022
Group Warm-up
- 300 m Run then 2 rounds of…
- 20 Jumping Jacks
- 20 Dynamic Squats
- 20 Shoulder Taps
- 300 m Run then 2 rounds of…
- 15 Band Pull A-parts
- 15 Long Sit-ups
- 10 Groiners w/ T-stab
Pre-Game (6 Rds)
- 12 DB Snatch (6/6)
- 6 BB Deadlifts
- Steadily increase your weight on both movements to reach a comfortable heavy set of 6 reps.
Workout – Circuit
40 sec work/ 20 sec rest x 4 rounds w/ 1 min rest after 2 rounds
- Devil Press
- Mountain Climbers
- DB Lunges
- Skater Hops
- Burpees o/ DBs
- Single Leg Deadlifts