March 11, 2023
Group Warm-up
- 2 min Jump Rope then 2 rounds of…
- 40 Jumping Jacks
- 30 Alt Lunges (15/15)
- 20 Still Leg March
- 10 PVC Pass Through
- 5 Walkouts to a Push-up
20 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 4 rounds
- Plate G2OH
- Squat & Push
- Plate Rainbows
- Plate Halos
- Plate Curls
Workout EMOM Chipper
Complete each movement of the chipper before moving on. At the top of each minute perform the bodyweight movement before continuing with the chipper.
- 100 KB Swings (5 Burpees)
- 80 Mountain Climbers (10 Crab Toe Touches)
- 60 Goblet Squats (10 Push-ups)
- 40 Push Press (10 Split Jumps)
- 20 Hammer Curls (10 Plank Jacks)
- 10 Pull-ups (1 min Plank)
Pump Finisher (3 RDs)
- 8-8-8 DB Curls (Choose 3 weights)
- 16 Close Grip Floor Press
- 16 Banded Triceps Push Downs