March 14, 2023
Group Warm-up
- 1 min Jump Rope then 2 rounds @ 30 sec each…
- Dynamic Squats
- Butt Kickers
- Arm Circles
- Hand Release Push-ups
- Then perform 2 rounds of the mini band circuit…
- 5 Forward/ Backward Banded Steps (5/5)
- 10 Banded Lateral Steps (10R/ 10L)
- 15 Banded Air Squats
Pre-Game (4 Rds)
- 10-8-6 Goblet Box Squats
- 10 RDL’s
- 10 Dynamic Groiners (5/5)
Circuit Workout
30 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 5 rounds
- Med Ball Jacks
- Box Step Overs (Bodyweight Only)
- See Saw Press
- DB Sumo Squats
- TRX Reclines
- Seated Knee Tucks
Extra Credit Finisher (3 RDs)
- 1 min Heavy Stone/ Sandbag Hold
- 1 min Plank