April 26, 2023
Group Warm-up (2 Rds)
- 1 min Jump Rope/ 200 m Run
- 40 High Knees
- 30 Skips
- 20 Air Squats
- 10 Alt Bird Dog (5/5)
- 5 Walkouts to a Push-up
EMOM Pre-Game (10 Min)
- Min 1 – 9 Push Press + 1 Burpee
- Min 2 – 7 Push Press + 3 Burpees
- Min 3 – 5 Push Press + 5 Burpees
- Min 4 – 3 Push Press + 7 Burpees
- Min 5 – 1 Push Press + 9 Burpees
- Work your way back up the ladder.
Circuit Workout
30 sec work/ 10 sec rest x 6 rounds
- DB Punches
- Box Jumps
- Half Kneeling OH Press (Press on the side of the down knee.)
- H2H Swings
- Alt V-ups
- Take 1 min rest after 2 rounds.
Extra Credit (3 Rds)
- 1 min Plank
- 20 Side Plank Dips (R)
- 20 Side Plank Dips (L)