Today's Workouts

Sat Sept 7,2024

Group Warm-up (2 Rds)

    • 1 min Jump Rope/ Bike/ Ski
    • 20 Air Squats
    • 20 Alt Lunges
    • 20 Shoulder Taps
    • 10 PVC Pass Through
    • 10 PVC OH Squats
    • 5 Walkouts to a Push-up

AMRAP Pre-Game (10 min)

    • 200 m Run
    • 10Dynamic Squats
    • 10  Squat and push w/plate
    • 10  Mountain Climbers r+l=1
    • 10  High Plank reaches
    • 10  Double Crunches w/plate
    • 10  flutter kicks w/plate

Hero WOD Saturday “Jack”

AMRAP (20 min)

    • 10 Push Press
    • 10 KB Swings
    • 10 Box Jumps

EXTRA CREDIT!! add the following at the end of each round

  • 10 wall balls
  • 5 ab wheel rollouts