ROD 110909
Monday, 09Nov09
Strongman Monday
40 sec work / 20 sec rest: 5 rounds with 1 min rest in between rounds
- Barbell Push Press – 95lbs
- Pull-ups
- Pushups on Stab ball
- KB Front Squats 24k
- Sledge hammer – tire alternating swing chops
- Kness to elbows on rings
Maxwell’s Silver Hammer: the perfect balance to the kettlebell Swing.
Everything in life has its counterpart: Lancelot had Guinevere; Hiawatha had Minehaha; Tristan had Isolde; to has fro; back has forth; up has down and Tweedledee has Tweedledum! You get my point: there’s a perfect balance for everything. Continue reading…
Posted in Strongman ROD