ROD 021010


Wednesday, 10Feb10


Weather Forecast for today is… BLIZZARD!!


There will be no classes today because of the forecasted Blizzard heading in our direction and will stay with us for a major part of the day. In any case though, you can still workout at home. The following is a suggested ROD for those who are staying indoors for the blizzard.

As Many Rounds As Possible  (AMRAP) in a 20 min time limit.

  •   8 Renegade Rows with dumbbells (one rgt/one left is a rep) 
  • 16 Pushups
  • 32 Air Squats

Or you can go tabata style and go for 8 rounds per movement at a rate of 20/10 – 30/15 – 40/20 or 60/30, work / rest ratio’s. Either way it is a challenge for you on this snowy day.


In The Bleak Mid-winter: 10 Tips for Safe Snow Shoveling

  With winter now upon us, and snow covering many regions of the United States, millions of people are shoveling snow to clear their sidewalks and driveways. While most people recognize that snow shoveling is very hard work, and can put severe stress on your heart, fewer people recognize the stress and strain that it places on your back. So, as winter gets underway, we’ve outlined 10 tips for how to keep your back healthy when shoveling snow.    Continue reading…