ROD 92309


Wednesday 23Sep09

Rossville Slam

30 sec work /30 sec rest for 5 rounds of :

  • Pull ups
  • Gym Rings knees to chest
  • Double kettlebell cleans
  • dumbell shoulder press
  • Med ball sit and reach

Do this non-stop, no rest between rounds

Tuesday’s evening class was a total blow-out. It was possibly one of the best routines we’ve had to date. Those present for the blow-out were Juan, Paul, Chris, Red, Darren and Mike. The power rope station really tired everyone out,  I believe that it was the most intense exercises during the ROD. So, if you want to give NLP a try as your Workout Central, come in to anyone of our scheduled classes, you can’t go wrong.
Chris & Tom Hey Tom (on right), where are you. Hurry back, we miss your spirit here at NLP.
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