ROD 100409


Sunday, 04Oct09

Rest Day…Enjoy

Saturday’s routine of the day was no slouch. We had 2 new guests Sergei and his son, Slava, who is a serious hockey player, participates in Saturday’s ROD & came out victorious but with some fatigue. Welcome to NLP.

tn_101_1717 Here’s Slava tearing up the power rope station. tn_101_1722 Nice squat

tn_101_1715 Sergei handling the power ropes.                               tn_101_1718 Chris Steppin



News Flash!!! We have some new equipment that was set-up today.

tn_101_1723  The set-up of the dreaded scaffoldtn_101_1728 Putting up the rope

tn_101_1724   Yea!!          tn_101_1732  The  rope is up and Juan test’s it. 

tn_101_1731 The rings work too. Show Off!!

These two new additions are going to raise the bar in training in strength and conditioning. Stay tuned for our pull-up system next.  Thanks to Chris, Juan & Donald. We are going to get there.

Simply Difficult ROD results:
Chris B. – 11:34
Juan – 12:57
Paul – 13:05
Dawn T. – 13:06
Chris A. – 13:36
Bill B. – 14:30

Like the title says simply difficult…Thursday nights workout looked easy but was kick ass!!!!!

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