ROD 100409
Sunday, 04Oct09
Rest Day…Enjoy
Saturday’s routine of the day was no slouch. We had 2 new guests Sergei and his son, Slava, who is a serious hockey player, participates in Saturday’s ROD & came out victorious but with some fatigue. Welcome to NLP.
Here’s Slava tearing up the power rope station. Nice squat
Sergei handling the power ropes. Chris Steppin
News Flash!!! We have some new equipment that was set-up today.
The set-up of the dreaded scaffold. Putting up the rope
Yea!! The rope is up and Juan test’s it.
The rings work too. Show Off!!
These two new additions are going to raise the bar in training in strength and conditioning. Stay tuned for our pull-up system next. Thanks to Chris, Juan & Donald. We are going to get there.
Simply Difficult ROD results:
Chris B. – 11:34
Juan – 12:57
Paul – 13:05
Dawn T. – 13:06
Chris A. – 13:36
Bill B. – 14:30
Like the title says simply difficult…Thursday nights workout looked easy but was kick ass!!!!!