ROD 112109


Saturday, 21Nov09


Running, Crawling, and Kettlebelling!

Ladder down with each couplet from 10-1 reps

First couplet 

  • Bear crawls
  • Push ups

Do it like this…

Bear crawl 10 yards, do 10 push ups

Bear crawl 10 yards, do 9 push ups

Bear crawl 10 yards, do 8 push ups…..


Second couplet 

  • Kettlebell high pulls 10-1
  • Squat thrusts 10-1


Third Couplet 

  • Shuttle run 10 yards 10-1
  • Air squats 20-2 by 2’s

Do it like this….

Do 10, 10 yard shuttles, 20 air squats

Do 9, 10 yard shuttles, 18 air squats

Do 8, 10 yard shuttles, 16 air squats…..


tn_DSC_3701  KB High pull   tn_101_2030 Rock’em Sock’em

tn_101_2049  Brawlin Babes  tn_101_2042