ROD 112109
Saturday, 21Nov09
Running, Crawling, and Kettlebelling!
Ladder down with each couplet from 10-1 reps
First couplet
- Bear crawls
- Push ups
Do it like this…
Bear crawl 10 yards, do 10 push ups
Bear crawl 10 yards, do 9 push ups
Bear crawl 10 yards, do 8 push ups…..
Second couplet
- Kettlebell high pulls 10-1
- Squat thrusts 10-1
Third Couplet
- Shuttle run 10 yards 10-1
- Air squats 20-2 by 2’s
Do it like this….
Do 10, 10 yard shuttles, 20 air squats
Do 9, 10 yard shuttles, 18 air squats
Do 8, 10 yard shuttles, 16 air squats…..
Posted in Bodyweight, High Intensity Interval Training