ROD 122609
Saturday, 26Dec09
Hard Pressed
Bench Press 1-10-1-20-1-30 reps
Post total load (add up all six barbell loads) to comments.
“The fatal tendency to be satisfied with words instead of trying to understand things…
…to learn phrases by heart, so that they may prove a refuge in time of need – exists, as a rule, even in children; and the tendency lasts on into manhood, making the knowledge of many learned persons to consist in mere verbiage.”
– Arthur Schopenhauer, Education
“…people today are so accustomed to pretentious nonsense that they see nothing amiss in reading without understanding, and many of them at length discover that they can without difficulty write in like manner themselves and win applause for it. And so it perpetuates itself.”
– G. A. Wells, 1991
What’s in it for you in 2010? 5 Steps to better Fitness.
Are you thinking about starting a fitness program? Good for you! You’re only five steps away from a healthier lifestyle. Do it now . Why wait till the first of the year. Read on…
Our Baseball Boy’s have been prepping for next season.
Med balls are the tool of choice to develop basic strength
I guarantee they will be the next champions in their division.