ROD 052910


Saturday, 29May10


R-e-S-t Day

This Memorial Day we should remember those who have sacrificed their lives and sound health so that we remain free and live safely.

New York City Fire Fighter Captain Michael Esposito, 42, Squad 1, was killed in the line of duty on Tuesday, September 11, 2001 during the tragic 911 terrorist attacks of the World Trade Center. He was a dedicated firefighter as well as a dedicated husband and father. 

Squad 1 was like a second family to Mr. Esposito and, as such, whenever someone from his “fire family” needed a hand installing a kitchen or doing concrete work, he was there. The camaraderie that existed among the members of Mr. Esposito’s firehouse extended to their families as well. Every month or so, the firefighters and their wives would make a date to go out to a restaurant in Manhattan and see a play.

Mr. Esposito competed in triathlons, was a former member of the Fire Department’s boxing team, and worked out regularly in the South Shore YMCA. Family and fitness were integral parts of Michael A. Esposito’s life. The 42-year-old Eltingville father of two adolescent sons spent all his leisure time involved in their sports activities and instilling values they could carry into adulthood. He is survived by his wife, Denise, and his sons, Andrew and Michael, surviving are his parents, Sam and Rose; his four brothers, Frank, Sal (Big Sal), Joseph (Jo-Jo) and Simone (Sam), and a stepbrother, Salvatore (Sally Boy) Mingoia.

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