ROD 080510
Thursday, 05Aug10
Tabata Boxing
Tabata Boxing is a routine where we incorporate boxing with a timed workout.
A series of stations setup, including a trainer with mitts, in which movements with exercises are setup to challenge our members.
Below is a past example of the setup:
A human timer will determine how much time of WORK there will be at each station…. if you want to know what that means come to the class.
No rest between stations. …NO REST…. This class will take you to the Next Level
- Human Timer
- DB Thrusters
- B-A-G
- Box Jumps
- B-A-G
- Mitts
- Bosu Burpee w/ push-up
- B-A-G
- Jump Rope
- B-A-G
- Slams
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