ROD 120510
Sunday, 05Dec10
ResT Day… or is it.
Athlete’s Warm up: Perform 2 rounds
- Medball chops
- MB Triple threats (hip raises)
- 15 Straight lying leg raises
- MB Squat & push
- Mobility Hip Stretch ( 2 reps w/30 sec hold)
- Floor starts
- Quick pogo jumps
- Arm motion drill
- Fast Feet drill
- 2 sets skipping
- 2 sets butt touch
- 2 cycles of mini band walks
Ahletes WOD
40 sec work / 20 sec rest for rounds recommended at time of performance.
- Bosu push-up w /OH reach
- Reclines
- Med ball slams
- S/L Jump rope
- Burpees
- Band pull aparts