ROD 031712
Saturday, 17March2012
9am @ NLP
St. Paddy’s Day Gone Bad
Team ROD for time:
- Row 300M
- Wallball
- Reclines
- Box jumps
- Highpulls
- Burpees
6 person team – 1 person at each exercise. One person starts on each exercise and performs that exercise until the rower reaches 300m, then everyone switches exercises until everyone has rowed 300M (example: after your first teamate rows 300m’s the teammate performing wallball moves to rower, reclines moves to wallball, box jump moves to reclines, highpulls moves to box jump, burpees moves to highpulls and rower goes to burpees. Continue this until everyone has rowed for 300 meters).
High Rock Challenge Training – week#1
Sand Bagged
Perform the following for time:
- Run 200m w/ sandbag
- 20 Step-ups w/sandbag
- Run 200m w/sandbag
- 20 dynamic squats w/sandbag
- Run 200m w/ sandbag
- 20 jumping jacks w/ sandbag
- Run 200m w/ sandbag
- 20 Thrusters w/ sandbag
- Run 200m w/ sandbag
- 20 High pulls/w sandbag
Athlete’s ROD
30/30/30 work-work-rest in a circuit style for 4 rounds
- Agility Ladder / Dynamic Squats / rest
- Ball Slams / Box Jumps / rest
- DB Snatch (l) / DB Snatch (r) / rest
- Suicide Runs / Burpees / rest (Outside) set up 4 cones about 12 ft apart, touch and go.