ROD 100312
Wednesday, 03Oct12
Temple of Doom
Pyramid Reps: 10-15-20-15-10 for time
- KB Swings (women / 16 k>// men 24 k >)
- DB Hang Squat Cleans (women / 20 lbs> // men 25 lbs >)
- Half Burpees
- DB Push Press (same as above)
Make sure that you choose your loads wisely. A lighter load will allow you to run through this ROD quickly – No good. A good choice would be a heavy load that makes you work through the ROD. We are not looking for speed, nor is this a race. Think of this as a challenge to perform the best form your heavy load will allow you to do. So please try the recommended loads, we know what is good for you.
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Posted in For Time, Muscle Endurance