ROD 111813
Monday, 18Nov13
Macho(a) Monday
This is a 45 second work / 15 second recovery for four rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds. Switch arms where needed at every round
- Full Plank Single Arm DB Rows (r/l)
- DB Goblet Squat
- Single Arm DB Bench Presses (r/l) (instructor will ensure proper lifting technique)
- Box Jumps
- Ball Slams
- Kneeling Sand Bag Overhead Press
Creating a Culture ? We are Moving Again.
A brief story of how we came about and why we are kicking ass and ruling Staten Island!
by Coach Donald
Incredible how times flies. It is my honor to announce that we are on the move again for the third time to 79 Industrial Loop. This new space will compliment beautifully our training philosophy and style. Just as a brief background for those of you that don’t know but Juan and Chris started up Next Level Performance in 2008, they never dreamed it would escalate to what it has become today and we are still growing. They started out their dream in a small 1250 sq ft wood floor warehouse with mirrors, around the corner at 85 Industrial Loop.
In April of 2009 I joined the group. Juan & Chris welcomed me with open arms after I tried selling them some equipment. I will soon be starting on my 5th year and I couldn’t have asked for a better group of Coaches to join as Juan and Chris. We have worked very hard as a team, to bring all of our fitness community the best in strength and conditioning. We pride ourselves with the attention to form and function to our members. No other gym or facility on the Island can boast that kind of attention to detail. That’s why we have such a high success rate in meeting the goals and wellness needs of our members.
It’s not always about fitness
While at 115 Industrial Loop, we have held some great parties. Our very first holiday party was our best so far as you can see from the pictures above. Everyone had a great time. It will be a tough act to follow but we will try on our Grand Opening Party TBA. I hope to see every one there including your friends and family. Lets’s be proud of where we train and who we train with.
All the challenges that we shared and continue to participate in have brought us all closer and escalated growth in our little community. Our clients realized that fitness doesn’t always have to be serious; you have to break loose and enjoy life. I would say this attitude sets us apart from most gyms in the area. Not only were we offering a great service that yielded incredible results, we create an atmosphere that people wanted and still want to be a part of.
Even our logos have changed over the years. Those of you who know us or follow us, know that our training style focuses mostly around kettlebells & dumbbells but we integrate many other unconventional training tools. That’s basically what sets us apart from all these “global” gyms and other training boxes on Staten Island. As our training evolved, our clients were getting incredible results, and our membership continued to grow. We’ve quadrupled the size of our community within a 4 year period and invested back through buying top shelf equipment and renting more space for our growing community.
The plain fact that people get immediate results from our system keeps them coming back for more. We especially want to thank you, the members of Next Level for your continued support. Some of you have been with us since the beginning and that say’s a lot about commitment to challenge & community. I can’t say enough about the incredible people that have walked through our doors. I just wanted you to know that we truly enjoy working with each and every one of you and we feel honored to be your chosen fitness facility. We appreciate your trust and guidance and we’ll do our best to continue to give you the kind of attention to detail & challenges you need in order to meet your personal health & fitness goals.
Beauty in Motion
The Perfect Runner, behind the scenes in Extreme Slow Motion from Niobe Thompson on Vimeo.