ROD 060815
Monday 08Jun15
Start Up
This is a 30 second work / 20 second recovery for 6 rounds with a 1 minute rest every 2 rounds
- KB Open Stance Squats (switch@rounds)
- Single KB Sit-ups
- Half Kneeling Single Arm Overhead KB Presses
- KB Single Arm Floor Press
- KB Single Arm Rows
*** Open stance squats are to begin with left leg @ 12 o’clock & the right leg pointing @ 3 o’clock. The KB will be held goblet style. Then switch where the right leg is @ 12 o’clock and the left leg is pointing @ 9 o’clock all while facing forward.
*** Half kneeling is with the weight pressed on the kneeling side.
All the while challenging yourself to heavier than normal weight to gain strength and power.