LIFT 110118

Thursday, 01Nov18

It’s November.. weight gain ALERT!


Group Warm-up: 2rds

  • Group Jog – x3
  • Jumping Jacks  – 20
  • Floor Touches – 10 SLOW Reps
  • Banded Hamstring stretch – :30 each side


Workout:  100 rep Challenge

  • Front Plate Raise

Do this with a full range of motion, i.e., until the hands/plate are over the head. Using this range of motion greatly taxes the upper back and shoulders.

Weight:35/25-pound plate

  • Barbell Curls

Weight:75/45-pound barbell

  • Snatch Grip Upright Row

This is like a shrug/upright row hybrid. Holding a heavy barbell, shrug and row it up to your belly button with a wide grip.

Weight:75/45 – pound barbell

  • Sit-Ups

Lock your feet under something stable, cross your arms on your chest and do a sit-up.


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