LIFT 073119
Wednesday, 31July19
Group Warm up : 10 Minutes
2 minute jump rope or air dyne then use remaining time to warm up for initial superset. Band pull apart, push ups, jumping jacks, arm circles, light shoulder presses working up to your working set.
Strength Superset : 5 Rounds (Perform clean and press prior to wallball)
- 5 BB/KB/DB Clean and Press (No Squat)
- 20 Wallball
Workout : 5 Rounds of 15 Reps of each exercise. Rest as needed but go heavy to make it challenging.
- DB/BB Push Press
- DB Snatch (15L/15R)
- Slamball
- Shoulder Front Raise (Lighter Weight)
- Shoulder Lateral Raise (Lighter Weight)
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