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Thursday, 23April20
Warm-up: Here is a warmup that can be done anywhere
- Jump rope: 2-3 minutes
- Jumping jacks: 50 reps
- Bodyweight Squats: 20 reps
- Lunges: 5 reps each leg
- Hip extensions: 10 reps
- Hip rotations: 10 reps each leg (like you’re stepping over a fence)
- Forward leg swings: 10 reps each leg.
- Side leg swings: 10 reps each leg
- Push-ups: 10-20 reps
10 minute AMRAP #1 (add one rep after each rd)
3 Swings + 3 Cleans (right & left) + 3 Squat Cleans (right & left) + 3 Hand to Hand Swings ( right & left) = 1 rd
10 minutes AMRAP #2 (add 1 rep after each rd)
- 6 Skaters r+l=2
- 6 Squat Jumps
- 6 Hand Switch Push-ups
- 6 Dbl V-ups
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