ROD 112009




Clay Pit to stay Fit

For time:
Row 600 meters
45 pound Thruster, 30 reps
20 Pull-ups
Row 550 meters
45 pound Thruster, 25 reps
15 Pull-ups
Row 400 meters
45 pound Thruster, 20reps
9 pull-ups


tn_101_2027   Micheal ready to take some awesome pics of our H.I.I.T group.


tn_DSC_3656  One of our Elite Instructors, Chris  tn_DSC_3628Medball chop


tn_DSC_3709   Wall Ball never looked so good.

tn_DSC_3654   Stretching the hips   tn_DSC_3648 3,2,1…go!

 tn_DSC_3734 Row your boat

Thanks again Mike for these great shots.