ROD 062810
Monday, 28Jun10
Clean & Push
40 sec work / 20 sec rest: 5 rounds with 1 min rest in between rounds
- Barbell push press 95#men/ 65# women
- Pull-ups (assisted or unassisted)
- Push-ups on Stab ball
- KB front squats (heavy)
- KB cleans 5r / 5l
- Sledge Hammer swings
We will be checking for proficiency in the KB clean. Everyone should know how to kettlebell clean. Next month’s exercise of the month will be KB Snatches, the next progression in KB work. The progression is as follows;
- KB swing
- KB clean
- KB clean to a press
- KB highpull into a Snatch
You must know how to perform these exercises by now.
We cannot hold a torch to light another person’s path without brightening our own. Ben Sweetland
Lets Row Together
Rowing is a very natural motion—most people pick it up quickly. Have someone watch you row, comparing your body positions to those shown in the pictures below. Don’t pull too hard until you are comfortable with the technique fundamentals.
- Arms are straight; head is neutral; shoulders are level and not hunched.
- Upper body is at the twelve o’clock position—shoulders in front of hips.
- Shins are vertical and not compressed beyond the perpendicular.
- Balls of the feet are in full contact with the footplate.
- With straight arms and while maintaining the position of the upper body at twelve o’clock, exert pressure on the foot plate and begin pushing with your legs.
- As your legs approach straight, lean the upper body back to the one o’clock position and draw the hands back to the lower ribs in a straight line.
- Legs are extended and handle is held lightly at your lower ribs.
- Upper body is at the two o’clock position— reclined with good support from your core muscles.
- Head is in a neutral position.
- Neck and shoulders are relaxed, and arms are drawn past the body with flat wrists.
In order to be an efficient and effective rower this sequence of events must be executed properly.