ROD 102910
Friday, 29Oct10
Fat Torcher
Crank up your metabolism!!
Perform each movement for 30 seconds…
Move from one to the next without stopping….
Rest for 1:30 and repeat 5 more times!
- Kettlebell swings
- Mountain climbers
- Kettlebell high pulls
- Burpees
- DB Thrusters
- Jumping jacks
This ends up being 6 rounds of 3 minutes of work and 1:30 rest
Only 18 minutes of total work.
“We cannot advance without new experiments in living, but no wise man tries every day what he has proved wrong the day before.” – James Truslow Adams
Last night’s ROD was changed from Tabata Boxing to ….
A) “Pre-Workout”
5 Rounds of the following:
- 5 Pullups
- 10 Pushups
- 15 Squats
B). “The Workout”
5 Rounds, 2 Minutes to complete each round
- 20 KB Swings
- 12 Knees to Elbows
- Burpees for REPS for the remainder of time
30-Second rest between each round