ROD 122710
Monday, 27Dec10
Because of Blizzard 2010 all classes have been cancelled. Shovel yourselves out and we will resume all classes tommorrow, Tuesday, 28Dec10.
Monday Madness
Three rounds for time of:
12 Burpees with a tuck jump
12 Thrusters (heavy)
Then after a 3 minute rest follow-up with…
Three rounds for time of:
10 goblet squats
20 Windmills (10/r-10/l)
40 jumping jacks
Do or Do not, there is no try ~ Yoda
Athlete’s Warm up: Perform 2 rounds
- Medball chops
- MB Squat & push
- 15 Supine lying leg raises
- S/L Hip raises – hip raises on forearms
- Seated arm motion drill
- Foward/backward lunge with an opposite overhead reach
- Side lunges with a skip
- Frog thrusts (15 reps x 2)
- Inchworm
- 20 pushups ( 10 regular, 5 fingers facing in /5 out )
- Fast Feet drill
Athletes WOD
30 sec work / 15 sec rest for rounds recommended at time of performance.
- TRX Push-ups
- Reclines
- Sit outs
- Band jumping jacks
- Body Bar Overhead squats / (Big boys/ girls Barbell OH squats)
- KB Deadlifts