ROD 042811
Thursday, 28Apr11
Ready for Anything Training!!!!!
This class is a ….. let’s see what you’ve got, are you Bad Ass enough, leave nothing in the tank, punch, kick, jump, run, crawl, swing ….we throw anything at you 1 hour boxing circuit .
Your cardiovascular and muscle strength will benefit from our motivational, challenging and fun circuit training set to energetic music.
Let’s see what you’ve got!!!!
The morning of the High Rock, you should wake up about two to three hours before the challenge and eat your breakfast. Give your body some time to digest the food so it can be used in your challenge. Running a race distance of 10k or shorter you should drink a cup of water and a couple pieces of toast with jelly. Eating fruit, 1/2 cup oatmeal or anything else that is easy to digest would be great. Stay away from things that have a lot of fat and protein, because it does not digest as well
“Failure to Prepare is Preparing to Fail”… The High Rock Challenge
As your trainers we want you to approach the High Rock Challenge intelligently. That means that we want you to perform optimally on the day of the challenge. Throughout your preperation for the race your participations in the ROD’s readied you for:
Building Your Energy Systems
There are three different energy systems that we prepared & trained you to build:
- Lactate threshold – This is your capacity to do high-intensity work for up to 3 minutes. The Energy System Delivery unit of your training program is a form of interval training in which you will alternate between periods of intense exercise with less strenuous periods.
- Lactate power – This is your body’s ability to do high-level work for periods of up to 12 seconds.
- Aerobic system – The ability to work beyond 3 minutes and help you recover from your bouts with the lactate threshold. For instance, if you’re sprinting up hills and walking down, you’re using the lactate system on the way up and the aerobic system on the way down. In this case, the aerobic system enhances your recovery from these intense bursts of energy.
Rest before the “Race”
Should you train or rest before the High Rock Challenge?
The best way to train a couple of days before an important race or a marathon is to stop training altogether. How long you can exercise a muscle depends on how much sugar you can store in that muscle before you start to exercise. Dr. Dave Costill of Ball State University asked one group of highly- trained runners to jog at a slow pace on the two days prior to measuring their muscle sugars and another group to not jog at all. The runners who didn’t jog stored the most sugar.
Studies on bicycle racers show that their muscles will load maximally with sugar when they take a very hard workout four days prior to racing and then ride easily for the next three days. However, running three or four days before a marathon will decrease the amount of sugar that muscles can store, presumably because hard running damages muscles and interferes with their ability to store sugar.
There is no evidence that a hard workout in the week before a race will help a runner during that race. Hard training tears down muscles and it take several days for the muscles to heal sufficiently to improve performance. Run at a slow pace on the fifth, fourth and third day before your event, and don’t run at all on the last two days. I would go as far as to swim laps at your local YMCA or JCC the day before the challenge.