ROD 071211


Tuesday, 12Jul11


Tazmanian Triplets

It’s going to be HOT today, so roll up your sleeves, leave your ba-ba’s at home and let’s get rockin.

15 seconds work/ 15 seconds rest for 8 rounds at each triplet

  • Kettlebell swings/push ups/mtn. climbers
  • Kettlebell racked squats/reclines/DB push presses 

Take 1:30 rest between each 8 round couplet… Go heavy or Go home (ghgh)


Kidney Stones – Topic Overview


What are kidney stones?

Kidney stones are made of salts and minerals in the urine that stick together to form small “pebbles.” They can be as small as grains of sand or as large as golf balls. They may stay in your kidneys or travel out of your body through the urinary tract camera. The urinary tract is the system that makes urine and carries it out of your body. It is made up of the kidneys, the tubes that connect the kidneys to the bladder (the ureters), the bladder, and the tube that leads from the bladder out of the body (the urethra).

When a stone travels through a ureter, it may cause no pain. Or it may cause great pain and other symptoms.

What causes kidney stones?

Kidney stones form when a change occurs in the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other things found in urine. The most common cause of kidney stones is not drinking enough water. Try to drink enough water to keep your urine clear (about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day). Some people are more likely to get kidney stones because of a medical condition or family history.


Kidney stones may form when the normal balance of water, salts, minerals, and other substances found in urine changes. How this balance changes determines the type of kidney stone you have. Most kidney stones are calcium-type-they form when the calcium levels in your urine change.

Factors that change your urine balance include:

  • Not drinking enough water. Try to drink enough water to keep your urine clear (about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day). When you don’t drink enough water, the salts, minerals, and other substances in the urine can stick together and form a stone. This is the most common cause of kidney stones.
  • Medical conditions. Many medical conditions can affect the normal balance and cause stones to form. Gout is one example. Also, people who have inflammatory bowel disease or who have had surgery on their intestines may not absorb fat from their intestines in a normal way. This changes the way the intestines process calcium and other minerals, and it may lead to kidney stones.

More commonly, kidney stones can run in families, as stones often occur in family members over several generations.

In rare cases, a person forms kidney stones because the parathyroid glands produce too much of a hormone, which leads to higher calcium levels and possibly calcium kidney stones.

Kidney stones may also be an inherited disease. If other people in your family have had kidney stones, you may have them too.

What are the symptoms?

Kidney stones often cause no pain while they are in the kidneys, but they can cause sudden, severe pain as they travel from the kidneys to the bladder.

Call a doctor right away if you think you have kidney stones. Watch for severe pain in your side, belly, or groin or for urine that looks pink or red. You may also feel sick to your stomach (nausea) and may vomit.

How are kidney stones diagnosed?

You may first find out that you have kidney stones when you see your doctor or go to an emergency room with pain in your belly or side. Your doctor will ask you questions about your pain and lifestyle. He or she will examine you and may do imaging tests such as X-rays to look at your kidneys and urinary tract.

You may need more tests if you have more than one stone or have a family history of stones. To find out the cause of your kidney stones, your doctor may order a blood test and ask you to collect your urine for 24 hours. This can help your doctor find out if you are likely to have more stones in the future.

Kidney stones may not cause any pain. If this is the case, you may learn you have them when your doctor finds them during a test for another disease.

How are they treated? 

For most stones, your doctor will suggest you take care of yourself at home. You may need to take pain medicine. You’ll need to drink enough water and other fluids so you don’t get dehydrated. Your doctor may give you a medicine to help the stone pass.

If a stone is too large to pass on its own, or if it gets stuck in the urinary tract, you may need more treatment. About 1 or 2 out of every 10 kidney stones need more than home treatment.

The most common medical treatment is extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL). ESWL uses shock waves to break a kidney stone into small pieces. The bits can pass out of your body in your urine. Other times, a doctor will need to remove the stone or place a small flexible plastic tube (called a stent) in the ureter to keep it open while stones pass.

Will I have kidney stones again?

After you have had kidney stones, you are more likely to have them again. You can help prevent them by drinking enough water to keep your urine clear, about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day. You may have to eat less of certain foods. Your doctor may also give you medicine that helps prevent stones from forming. 

Home treatment is often the only thing you need to do when passing a kidney stone. Home treatment includes drinking enough fluids, taking pain medicine, and possibly straining and collecting your urine to help determine the type of stone you have.

Drink fluids

You need to drink enough water to keep your urine clear, about 8 to 10 glasses of water a day when you are passing a kidney stone. If you have kidney, heart, or liver disease and are on fluid restrictions, talk with your doctor before drinking more fluids.

Use pain medicine

Medicine you can buy without a prescription, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDs), may relieve your pain. NSAIDs include aspirin and ibuprofen (such as Motrin and Advil). Your doctor can prescribe stronger pain medicine if needed.

Collect kidney stones and urine

Your doctor may ask you to collect your kidney stone when it passes so that he or she can examine it to see what caused it to form.

  • Your doctor will give you a strainer. Urinate through the strainer and save any stones, including those that look like sand or gravel. Continue to do this for 3 days after your pain stops.
  • You can also urinate into a cup or container and empty the container through a strainer to collect the kidney stone. Strainers may be available at your local drugstore. You can also use coffee filters to strain urine.
  • Allow the stones to dry, and store them in a plastic or glass container until you can take them to your doctor.

Your doctor may also ask you to collect your urine for 24 hours after you pass a stone, so he or she can check your urine to help determine the type and cause of the stone. Knowing the type of the stone may help you prevent getting stones in the future.