ROD 022512


Saturday, 25Feb12


Savage Saturday

This is 45 second work to 15 second recovery 3 rounds at each couplet with a 1 minute rest in between.

Couplet 1

  1. Dbl KB Suitcase Deadlift Squat Thrust (hands on kb during the squat thrust)
  2. Weighted Side to Side Step Ups

Couplet 2

  1. BB Hip Thrust
  2. KB Bent Over Alternating Row

Couplet 3 (Hell)

  1. KB Swing
  2. Burpees

Couplet 4

  1. Alternating High Deficit Reverse Lunge (stand on stepper-reverse lunge raised for the deficit)
  2. KB Snatch Pull w/ Squat Thrust


Athlete ROD

This is 45 second work to 15 second recovery 3 rounds at each couplet with a 1 minute rest in between.

Couplet 1 

  1. KB Alternating Clean & Press
  2. Burpees

Couplet 2

  1. Dbl KB Clean with Alternating Presses (dbl kb clean and press right – dbl kb clean and press left)
  2. Sit-outs

Couplet 3

  1. Dbl KB Clean & Squat Thrust (hands on kb for the squat thrust)
  2. Mtn. Climbers

Couplet 4

  1. Alternating High Deficit Reverse Lunge (stand on stepper-reverse lunge raised for the deficit)
  2. KB Squat Jumps
