ROD 032412
Saturday, 24March12
Everyone will do this ROD today!
As many rounds in 20 mins of…
- 10 Reclines
- 15 Pushups
- 20 Air squats
Let’s do this fast and furious.
Saturday’s High Rock ROD
Get High Rock Challenged: Free Training Sessions at High Rock Park
Join us in High Rock Park for one of our classic workouts, but with a twist. Next Level Performance, an official sponsor of the High Rock Challenge Adventure Race, will be doing our cutting edge High Intensity Strength Training work-outs outdoors in the Park. The sessions are designed to increase the registrants stamina and endurance, which they will need for the race. Sessions are free and no registration is required but be prompt.
Meet up: High Rock parking lot, 200 Nevada Avenue, Staten Island, 10306.
Lets have some fun today…
4 rounds of 40 seconds work/ 20 seconds rest.
One minute rest between rounds.
- Reclines
- Kettlebell Slams
- Power ropes
- Lateral bench jumps
- Bench crawl
- Sandbag farmers walks