ROD 033112


Saturday, 31Mar12

NLP Schedule Change For Saturday March 31st:

The 9am adult Session at NLP has been changed to 8am




15/15 seconds for 20 minutes ~ No rest

  • Push-Ups
  • DB Renagade Rows
  • Tuck Jumps (land softly)
  • Kettlebell Swings

Week #3 – Saturday @ High Rock

A.M.R.A.P Triplets

Here’s the workout:

  1. 3 person teams
  2. 10 minute triplets
  3. Complete As Many Rounds As Possible of each triplet.
  4. Team with the highest total # of completed rounds in all four triplets wins 2 free weeks at Next Level Performance

Lets get after it!!!!!!

Each person on a team will perform an exercise for the number of reps subscribed. Once all the reps are completed each person switch exercises, the team will continue in that order for 10 minutes.  (Example- Person 1 runs 400m, person 2 performs 20 SB High Pulls, person 3 performs 15 table thrusters, then person 1 performs 20 SB HP’s, person 2 performs 15 table thrusters person 3 runs 400m).

Triplet 1:

  • 400m Run
  • 20 Sandbag High Pulls
  • 20 Cinder Block Trusters

Rest 4 minutes!

Triplet 2:

  • 300m Run
  • 15 Tree Ball Shots
  • 15 Reclines

Rest 3 minutes!

Triplet 3

  • 200m Run
  • 10 KB slams
  • 10  Burpees & half

Rest 2 minutes !

Triplet 4

  • 100m sprint
  • 5 pushups with alternating hand clap (2 person, l/r = 1 )
  • 5 Mtn. Climbers ( l/r = 1 )
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