ROD 041812
Wednesday, 18Apr12
Static Hold at NLP
40 seconds work/20 seconds rest for 4 rounds
- Recline Static Hold
- KB Goblet Squat hold
- KB Iron Cross
- Static T hold (thumbs down)
- Seated (legs locked out together) over head hold w/kb or db
- Reverse Plank hold
We’ll rest for one minute between rounds.
This is the High Rock ROD
This is a 35 second work/15 second rest timed set for 3 rounds with a minute rest in between
- Skips
- Reverse Static Planks
- Static Squats
- Crab Hip Lifts
- Squat Jumps
- Alternating Chest Taps
- Static Shoulder T’s (prone on ground)
- Squat Thrusts
- Groiners
- Plank to a Pike Position