ROD 050412
Friday, 04May12
Double Bell Trouble
This is a timed 40 seconds on / 20 seconds recovery for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest in between.
- Dbl KB Front Squats
- KB Dip & Switch (not from the floor-but hanging, 1 bell at clean and the other at hanging)
- Dbl KB Dead-lifts
- Dbl KB Swing (outside)
- Dbl KB Push Press
- Dbl KB Renegade Rows
Ladies Who Want a “Toned” Physique
I’m almost positive that there are many women out there who will not lift heavy weights because of the misconception that they will turn into The Incredible Hulk. Well I’m here to announce that you will never look like the…feMALE in the picture below… RELIEF!
Well sorry to break the news to you but you CAN’T look like a man from lifting heavy weights. I mean, that is unless you really, really, really, really, wanted a mans physique. Anything is possible (with anabolic supplements, i.e. steroids and testosterone boosters).
The fact of the matter is that the female body just doesn’t work like that. First of all, women do not produce as much testosterone as men do, which is 10-30 times more than women. Men are made up of a lot more muscle than women. About 23% of a woman’s body is muscle while men usually have about 40%. Since the production level of testosterone in a woman’s body is minute compared to men it is damn near impossible to build muscle at the same intensity as men do.
P.S. Even men are having trouble building just a pound of muscle, so you don’t have anything to worry about. Oh and there is also no scientific data that says lifting heavy weights will turn you into a giant muscular freak!
With that being said ladies, you can’t workout like little girls anymore. No offense but if you want that sexy tight looking physique you have to increase the intensity of your workouts.
Lifting weights is what’s going to get you that toned and sexy look that every female dreams of. Not only by lifting weights, but by lifting heavy weights.
Again just to reassure you, women just don’t have the genetics to build muscle at the same rate as men do! So lets get down to business.
You want that TONED look right. Well what does that mean? You want you muscles to be visible with no flab shaking around right? Well that’s because of the low body fat % that is surrounding your muscles that get that “toned” look.
If you are gaining unwanted mass then I would take a second look at your diet rather that your fitness routine. You might be eating more than you should be.
As I have said before, diet is key! Muscles grow on calories which means you need to build the muscle before “toning” it.
P.S. Sorry for that scary looking picture at the top of the post… I’m scared to go to sleep now…