ROD 062012
Wednesday, 20Jun12
Body-Weight Wednesday
This is a 45 second work/15 second rest timed set for 3 rounds with a minute rest in between
- Skips
- Plank Climbers
- Dynamic Squats
- Quick Feet
- Push-ups
- Bent Knee Sit-ups
- Side to Side Jumps
- Mountain Climbers
- Sit-outs
Next Level Senior Athlete Program
The NLP Senior Athlete Program begins today. We will go over all of the functional movements as well as the basic movement patterns such as the Squat, Deadlift, Box Squat & Overhead presses. The mission of this program is to teach, motivate and improve movement patterns to enhance performance on the playing field. This is an aggressive program. We will be instructing motivated individuals looking for that extra push which will give them the athletic edge. This is a no-nonsense program. We expect work and nothing less. Our training program works, but only if the individual puts the effort needed to make he/she successful as an athlete. Our program will run through the entire summer and will be held 3x’s a week on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s at 11 am.