ROD 120512
Wednesday, 05Dec12
Weeping Willow Wednesday
This will be a 30 second work /20 second recovery for 6 rounds with a 1 minute rest between every 2 rounds
- Jumping Pullups
- Plated Walking Overhead Lunges (women 25#/men 35#)
- Sumo Deadlift High Pull
- Wall Ball
- Box Jumps
How does our Athlete Program differ from the rest?
If you participate in a sport, enjoy it, and wish to improve, you will appreciate our strength and conditioning program. We are a proactive facility not reactive. That means that we prepare our athlete’s to meet the demands of their sport. Though our functional integrated program we teach our athlete’s injury prevention as well as progressive strength and conditioning. We assess each individual to target their weaknesses and turn them into strength’s. Because of the varying demands of each sport and position we treat each athlete uniquely and provide you with the individualized attention you require. We work with health care professionals, coaches and parents on injury prevention and help to manage athletic injuries, so athletes can return to their sports safely and quickly. We care about our athletes and their goals. We want to make sure that we provide the necessary training which will enhance their performance at their sport of choice.
Both in-season and off-season, our athletes are expected to perform at extraordinary levels. In order to maintain high quality performance consistently, attention must be given to their lifestyle habits. We work with the parents to ensure that their eating habits compliment their performance training. In order for your child to become successful in our program they must be accountable to us for their actions in the facility. We use positive coaching methods to make their experience enjoyable, increase self?esteem and foster a love and appreciation for the sport of choice and the level of commitment it takes to be the best. We at NLP refrain from physical or psychological intimidation, verbal abuse, and conduct that is negative and demeaning to athletes. We strive to provide a challenging, safe, enjoyable, and successful experiences for the athletes by maintaining a training environment that is physically and emotionally safe.