ROD 033013
Saturday, 30Mar13
Sat -Met – Blast
3 Rounds For Reps: Circuit style (stations)
1 Minute KB Swings
1 Minute Half Burpees
1 Minute Sandbag Squats (hug 50 lb sandbag and perform squats)
1 Minute DB Push Press
1 Minute Mtn. Climbers
1 Minute Rest… repeat 2 more x’s
High Rock ROD
Dynamic warm-up
Followed by 30 second of maximum work at each exercise and 15 seconds recovery for 4 rds.
Rest 45 second between rds.
-Picnic table dips
-Trunk jumps
-Sandbag snatch pulls
-Battle ropes
-Log push-ups
-Rope sit-up get-ups
-Cobble stone swings