ROD 041013
Wednesday, 10Apr13
For Whom the Kettlebell Tolls (Partner ROD)
Round 1 – You and your partner (if no partner is available do it alone) start with a heavy bell, perform 20 swings, then…
- 6 Push Ups (slap teammates opposite hands after each push-up)
- 20 Swings
- 7 Push Ups
- 20 Swings
- 8 Push Ups
- 20 Swings
- 9 Push Ups
- 20 Swings
- 10 Push Ups
- 20 Swings
Rest 2 minutes
Round 2 – Stay with the heavy bell perform 20 swings, then…
- 6 DB Hang squat cleans ( I go you go)
- 20 Swings
- 7 DB Hang squat cleans
- 20 Swings
- 8 DB Hang squat cleans
- 20 Swings
- 9 DB Hang squat cleans
- 20 Swings
- 10 DB Hang squat Cleans
- 20 Swings
Running clock, so after you perform your 10th push-up and 20 swings rest 2 minutes before starting the second half of this ROD.