ROD 050713
Tuesday, 07May13
Double Trouble 6:30pm
This is 4 rounds of 35 seconds work/20 seconds recovery, 1 minute rest after 2 rounds
- KB Dead dip & switch
- KB Rows (l)
- KB Rows (r)
- KB Deadlift jumps
- KB Push Press
- Double KB Front Squats
The CMC PIT is in an AMRRAP format where each competitor is encouraged to complete “As Many Rounds & Repetitions As Possible” (AMRRAP) for a 7 minute time period for the routine shown below:
7 – Push press (75lb Males/ 45lb Females)
7 – American Kettlebell Swings (40lb Males/26 lb Females)
7 – Jump over Burpee Box Jumps (20 Inch Box- Universal for Male & Females)
After the 7 minute time period , rest 2 minutes then run as many loops around Industrial Loop as possible in 30 minutes. This routine will be performed every Tuesday and Tursday during the Xtreme sessions for the next two weeks leading up to the CMC on Saturday May 18th.