ROD 060813


Saturday, 08Jun13


Saturday Madness

45 MAX effort and 15 seconds recovery for 2 rounds of the following 8 exercises: No Rest

  1. Low Jumping Jacks
  2. Plank Climbers (alternating lead arm)
  3. Single-arm overhead deep squat (right)
  4. Single-arm overhead deep squat  (left)
  5. Groiners
  6. Diamond leg sit-ups
  7. Spiderman Push-ups
  8. Plank (straight arm) to diagonal knee tucks to elbows

1 minute rest & then:

2 rounds of 8 cycles of 20 seconds MAX effort and 10 seconds rest of the following:

  1. Dynamic Squats x 2 sets
  2. Mountain Climbers x 2 sets
  3. Evil Jumps x 2 sets
  4. Burpees x 2 set
