ROD 120513
Thursday, 05Dec13
***NOTICE…Since our move from 115 Industrial Loop we have to admit we are having trouble with parking, what else is new on this Island. Though as troublesome as it seems we must respect the right to other renters parking privileges as well. I am talking about our neighbors at 85 Industrial loop. There has been a complaint that our members are parking in their lot. Please we request that you avoid 85 Industrial Loop parking area. You may still park in our old lot 115 Industrial loop and walk down. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. We thank you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.
Complete with team of 2 or 3
Increase weight between sets, post max weight to the white board.
Balls to the Wall
For time:
- 50 Wall-ball shots
- 20 Pull-ups
- 35 Wall-ball shots
- 15 Pull-ups
- 20 Wall-ball shots
- 10 Pull-ups