ROD 071614
Thursday, July 17, 2014
Dead Ringer
Partner ROD For Time…
*Coaches will pick teams
**With Partner alternate running 6 x each NLPS- 115 Industrial Loop & NLPN – First Speed Bump.
***Person not running will hold One kettlebells in rack position, alt sides.
****To be fair …… NO modifation to KB weight unless going heavier, 24/16
Then immediately begin as an individual…select a challenging weight
20 DB Split Lunges (R)
20 DB Hang Power Cleans
20 DB Front Squats
20 DB Shoulder to Overhead
20 DB Front Squats
20 DB Hang Power Cleans
20 DB Split Lunges (L)
Run – NLPS- 1 Loop/ NLPN 1.5-Loops (1x around block, then to stop sign then turn around)