ROD 081415


Friday, 14Aug15


Trophy Triplets

3 rounds

  • 90 second DU (attempts) Jump Rope
  • 60 second Dynamax Reverse Crunch w/ Kip
  • 30 second Mtn. Climber

Rest 2 minutes…

Triplets at 20/20/20 seconds work 20 seconds recovery for 4 rounds at each triplet

  • DB Racked Squats/DB Press/DB Thrusters

1 minute rest

  • Shoulder Blade Plank Push-off/ Low Bear Crawls 4 fwd 4 rev/ Judo Push-ups

1 minute rest

  • DB Side Plank to T-Stab (switch@rounds) / DB Renegade Row/ Ball Slams

*Low bear crawls are to be done in a sit-out position keeping the knees low to the ground taking small steps forward and backward.
** Light to medium weight will be used for DB side plank to t-stab which  is done while in a side plank. Just pull the weight towards the shoulder and lift overhead.