HIIT 072616

Tuesday, 26July16


Warm-up: 12 min Cap ( running clock)

*take the warm-up seriously!!!!

  • 300 M Run then
  • 10 light KB Halo’s Right
  • 10 light KB Halo’s Left
  • 10 light KB Swings
  • 10 light KB Alt Lunges (r+l=2)
  • 10 light KB Snatch Pulls
  • 10 Pull-Through-Push-ups

* take your warm up seriously !!!!!


Endurance: (6 min AMRAP)

30 Second Row/Bike

1 BB/DB Hang Squat Clean + 2 Push Press

* Rest as needed but let’s remember that this section of today’s workout is named ENDURANCE.


Workout: Circuit Style

  • Banded Suicides
  • KB front squats
  • Tuck jumps
  • Jumping pull-ups
  • Sumo kb deadlifts

This is a 40 sec work / 20 sec rest timed circuit for 4 rounds with a 1 min rest in between rounds.




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