HIIT 120316
Saturday, 03Dec16
Warm-up: 3rds
- 1-Minute Jump Rope (practice double unders)
- 16 Walking Lunge
- 8 Perfect Push-ups (SLOW)
Pre-Game: 7-Minute AMRAP
- 3 Thrusters (15/20)
- 6 Pull-ups
- 18 Mountain Climbers
Workout: 5 rounds
A: 2 Minutes for 15/12 Calories and 15 Wallball
B: 2 Minutes for Ground to Overhead (Reps per Round 10, 8, 6, 4, 2, increase weight)
-remainder of time in each 2 minute time is rest
Endurance: Loop
At least 2 Spins around