LIFT 121916
Monday, 19Dec16
Warm-up 2 rounds of:
- Deep Squats with Adductor Stretch
- Alternating Lateral Lunges
- Groiners to T-Stab
- Push-up to Toe Touch
- Hip Bridge
- Superman
- 1:30 minute Jump Rope
3 minute Partner Ab Routine: 20 V-ups, 15 Russian Twist, 15 Rev Crunch
Partner Workout:
20 minute limit / 10 minutes each movement
Encourage & assist each other as you workout. Move quickly along as soon as your partner finishes you immediately go on to your set and so on…Heavy
- BB Sumo Dead-lifts 5-5-5-3-3-3…
feet out wide toes outward with hands grasping shoulder width on bar. - BB DB Alternating Floor Press 5-5-5-3-3-3…
with dumbbells in each hand lower one arm while the other static holds and alternate. L/R = 1rep
*Increase your weight every 3 sets
This is a 25 second work / 15 second rest for 4 rounds no rest
- Deep DB Box Squats to High Pull
- Side Plank Push-ups
- 2 Jack Burpees
- 1 round Bear Crawls 3-3-3-3 (forward/backward/side to side) 1 round
Posted in Barbell Training, Bodyweight, Combo Movements, Deadlifts, Dumbbell Training, Heavy Day, Lift